Not the US emperor, nor the UK emperor.
OFSTED, the UK Office for Standards in Education conducts routine inspections in schools and reports directly to Parliament. Their web site claims, “we are independent and impartial.” Yeah.
The Telegraph indicates that supply (substitute) teachers are hired to take misbehaving students out of their regular classrooms during the inspections. But the inspections are “independent and impartial,” so how could this be?
Administrators who complain about bad behavior of students in a public venue turn up unemployed. Well, there’s always another side to the story. Surely the out-of-work deputy headmaster did something really bad. She didn’t get fired for telling the truth. Did she?
Whatever happened to parents sending well-behaved children to school and expecting them to respect their teachers and fellow students and work to the best of their ability? And what about students who do fit that description? How are they coping in the chaos?
What do you say?
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