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The Ford Foundation and the American Federation of Teachers have funded astudy we’ll hear more about in 2012. A research group studied the behavior andclassroom practice of 1,001 teachers in grades 3-12 to determine what ishappening with curriculum in U.S. public schools.
Overall, teachersbelieve that math and language arts dominate their lesson plans. Students haveless exposure to the arts, foreign language, social studies and science,especially in the elementary years.
Half of theteachers surveyed said that when students receive remedial aid in math andlanguage arts, it occurs in time taken from other subjects.
Overwhelmingly, 93%of teachers believe that the reason for the curriculum shift is state-sponsoredtests.
Do you see thingsthe same way as those teachers in the survey? What could we do differentlywithin our communities to ensure that students are prepared for learning toread and performing math assignments when they come to school? How importantare the “soft subjects” that are being eliminated from elementary school?
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