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Google’s Principle Number Three: Fastis better than slow.

I’m not so sure about this one and it's effect on the classroom.There are some actions that could speed up to make delivery of education moreefficient. Many of them are out of the realm of the teacher. So, is thereanything worthwhile that can be done faster in the classroom?  
  • ·        All students would appreciate havinganswers to their questions in a timely way.

·        Access to all classroom informationcan be faster with an internet connection.
·        If I were a student again I wouldwant a quick response to my answers on a test.
Delays are the stuff of societiesthat keep their citizens in check. Speed is a characteristic of opencommunities.
And what’s the reason to speed upthe information process? To give the student more time for quiet reflection. Ittakes time to process information and make a good decision. Speed gives us thatadvantage.